Clear your path to uncovering insights in connected data

Combining internal and external data sources is critical to reducing blindspots and uncovering hidden connections within your data, but it can also create a lot of noise.

What if you could easily cut through that noise and clear your path to key insights hidden in complex connected data?

Entity Resolution
Enter entity resolution and graph technology.
Where clarity meets precision for advanced link analysis to help you make swift and confident context-based decisions.

Gaining an accurate and precise 360° view of your data

Entity resolution and graph technology form a dynamic duo in the quest to overcome data challenges posed by disparate sources and data formats. Entity resolution has the power to unify disparate data sources, no matter their size or complexity. In parallel, graph technology leverages that data to paint a complete 360° view of your entities of interest that’s reliable, enables the discovery of new risks, and increases confidence in decision making.

Entity resolution

Rely on a single-source of truth

When connecting multiple sources of data to create a single source of truth, easily and precisely eliminate duplicates and enhance data quality in real-time to build an accurate 360° view of your unified data at scale. 

Graph analytics

Uncover hidden insights, faster

Uncover hidden insights faster with native graph-powered analytics and a user-friendly interface that enables both technical and non-technical users to swiftly and intuitively explore and analyze data and its connections. No need to switch between different siloed views.


Get up and running in no time

Quickly and seamlessly integrate with your existing architecture and any trusted third-party data sources with a powerful API. Adapt to any changing requirements with a flexible solution that aligns with your needs, rather than working against them.

A solution that adapts to your needs


Anti-Money Laundering

Know your customer

Know Your Customer


Fraud Investigations

Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management

Single Customer View

Single Customer View


And More

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Combining entity resolution and graph technology for cost-effective, advanced decision intelligence

Discover why entity resolution is a critical tool in the arsenal of modern data management practices–allowing organizations to paint a more comprehensive picture that unifies siloed data points and illuminates hidden relationships.

Decision Intelligence Solution

Our decision intelligence platform

Enhance your organization’s risk management and anti-financial crime efforts with a decision intelligence platform that combines the best of entity resolution and graph technology–without breaking the bank.